i have begged for these moments...nearly died for them. for a few moments of peace, a break away from the world that lays bags under my eyes. i have asked Santa for these past two days, and, like always, he gave.
Two great friends of mine returned from school; Ariel and Amber. two people who i hold very close to my heart. most of my weekend was spent with Amber since Ariel had more errands to run. we went to see the Express on Saturday. typical movie. White finds Black, white helps Black, Black finds success, white is the hero. but the direction was great, very emotion evoking. We both enjoyed it.
Sunday i stayed on my side of town. picked up a few Cds to help my hour long commute to work. *sidebar* the five albums of my life are T.I.'s "Paper Trail", Young Jeezy "Recession", N*E*R*D's "Seeing Sounds", Ne-Yo's "Year of the Gentlemen and Flobots "Fights with Tools". N*E*R*D has become my favorite, but i been feeling the need for more rock-ish tunes. though T.I. has produced a GREAT album...finally. *end sidebar*
Monday i drove to finally see Ariel. after a quick catch up, we contacted Amber and another friend Mike. we all met at Zaxby's and went to our old high school to see my old [something like a] mentor and teacher. like always, we told him our lives and he gave us tid-bits of advice. mine being not to return to Howard...something i have to further consider...
Tuesday i drove out to Eagle's Landing AGAIN to speak to Kirk's class. well, of all the group, i live the farthest...so it makes perfect sense that i was the only one to show up. Amber showed about thirty minuets later and we spoke to Kirk's class.
i saw her off right before being invited to her homecoming. ((i hope i can go)).
all in all...it was wonderful. clear skies, great friends, new friends, blah blah blah.
but like everything in my life, it was short lived. things soon returned to normal. chief moore confessed to Amber that he really doesnt care for my girlfriend of five months. my gas tank half empty (but prices are quickly dropping). my relationship keeps hitting an annoying amount of road bumps. my energy has been sapped. and my time has slipped away. i find myself planning to overly occupy myself in order to keep from missing her while she plans to party and "go out". i'm re-realizing how pathetic my life is. and im remembering how much i hate it.
*sidebar* Gnarls Barkley's "Odd Couple" has become a favorite Cd of mine as well, though i don't actually own the Cd...yet. open book is my favorite track thus far. *end sidebar*
the story...of my fucking life...so now its a drought of happiness and smiles.
cause the good never fucking last...
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