Wednesday, February 25, 2009

...and i wonder

if it will all end soon. one can only hope.
i seem to use that word a lot lately. sign of change? or desperation.

i've been off since friday. thats 6days, so far. and who knows when i'll get to go back into work.
besides check facebook, download mixtapes, blog, write [sorta], watch anime...i've done nothing but sleep.
[sidebar: well, besides go to class too. and today i had an interview for a new job...but we know how that shit goes.]

i think i know why i've been in the bed so much. but i refuse to admit it. i refuse to be back in the rut i always find myself in. depression: i'm only 19 and i know more about that word than i know about happiness. whoever said teenage years are the most fun, lied. i BEEN ready for these years to end.

then again, i been ready for a lot to end lately...


Amber Chanel said...


don't be depressed shaw...
i got you, we can aide each others aches.

Shar Nele said...

you just need to find your reason for living. the thing that makes you happy will keep you going.

and i did drop the psych club....smh.