Monday, September 14, 2009

pushed in a freezing pool of water.

i had a dream.
well two. 
1.i was in a horrible car accident. knocked off the highest level of a building and fell to what should have been my death. out of three people...only i lived.
i guess its interpretation could be how i live through  things far out of my control.

2. i walked with who seemed to be a professor to some kind of meeting. we get there and it seemed like i was some sort of great mind that many listen to. so as we are leaving i realize how cold it is. freezing in the London town. so cold, in fact, that there are frozen puddles of water in the street. some of which aren't frozen solid but have large blocks of ice floating in them.
the british man i was walking with pushes me in one. but my heavy jackets and snowpants keep me from hypothermia. i look back at the man and he stands nude in front of me and jumps in.
our conversation begins.

i soon wake up having all the answers to the problems that troubled me.

i asked what might the subliminal message had been.
a friend told me that the dream was telling me to relinquish my need for security (my jacket).
there was nothing i could do after my push into the pool so why fight it.?
there is nothing i can do to undo my troubles in why am i fighting.?

the words "cease struggle" replay in my mind.
i have. or will, rather.
somethings i want to happen more than likely wont.
things that i dont want to happen are definitely going to
and i cant control neither.

so i'm going to enjoy my dip into deathly waters.
and thus far, it looks like i'm gonna have to enjoy them alone.


EVOLVING said...
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EVOLVING said...

hmm...quite the impact that little mam from the dream had on you. i know that will continue taking dives in deathly waters and ill say what i always safe. :) (and of course then you say uh. no)