Tuesday, October 13, 2009


i am a plethora of thoughts at the moment.
not emotions. 

"emotion is negro. logic is greek."

i've successfully detached myself from the emotional wreck that was the former me. though they still exist they remain well in check.
this being said, i read something just now that shocked me and prompted me to feel something i havent felt in some time.
ironic. "some time" when this feeling is impatience. 

i've waited for months on end for you to act. months. i've sat. idle. hoping.  and to be frank, i've hated every second. maybe its my impatient nature maybe its your inactive way of taking action. either way i'm sick of waiting. period. 
the camel's back has broken. the last straw pulled. 
i have grown used to this single life. enjoyed, even, what it has to offer. i have lived this life long enough to know what i want. and because of your inactivity, i will finally act on it.
that is my progress.

the book i have long needed to write is well underway. 
chapter three, i believe. a story at heart and the words in mind. i'm very much excited to get back to it and deliver it to you.
that is my progress.

i have grown content in myself to be comfortable in my solitude.
that is my progress.

but i have grown up enough to stop waiting for shit to happen.
that is my progress.

though a portion of my progress has come about through frustration. 
that is my regress. 

i realize that i am all and nothing.
i am something like clay. i can mold to whatever you want me to be and nothing more but if not upheld i will slump to become everything less.
what you see is what you get...but you'll only get what you're willing to see.
this came about from a conversation with an old somebody from howard. they claimed to think i only used them for sex. not true. i used them for nothing. they only came to me for sex and they got what they came for. i had to explain to them that if they had come for wisdom or advice, they would have received just that. you have not for you ask not.
im not the kind of guy to give anything without prompt.
you want a listening ear; talk.
you want a friend; befriend
you want a fuck; be fuckable
you want wisdom; give wisdom
you want a boyfriend; be a girlfriend.

its all very simple people.
just fucking keep up. i'm getting highly annoyed with having to slow down for you. seriously.
this is my progress.