i sit and i try to think of things to complain about and i can't.
things have just been falling into place for the last two months. i dont want to jinx it but damn.
in addition to my current job, i have three other openings.
-a temp job with a painting company. 15$/hr
-a leasing agent. commission/1000$ rent
-a journalist. does it matter?
thats right, i've found an opening with a newspaper. i could very well be launching my journalism career and i havent even begun to finish school.
(lowkey: fuck school. i'm going back because im thirsty for knowledge suddenly. otherwise, ya'll can have it.)
i can't say that i've been this happy in a while. but my grind doesnt stop just yet. i need to make sure that things don't regress. insurance. we'll work on that.
i'll be meeting my sister soon. the first time ever. yea...thats how i feel about it.
my wrting abilities have returned. plenty of things in the works.
-chasing winds
-pandora's aslyum
and i'm not talking short stories either.
what else should you know?
oh, i dont talk to anybody really. i stay alone mostly and nobody really tires to contact me. i shop alone. go see movies alone. eat alone. smoke alone. sleep alone and wake up alone. its not too bothersome.
Trudy is still dealing with a broken phone i think, so no her.
Lauren is heartbroken
and Shanika...well her hands are full. and with that, i'm dealing. its not too easy but its not odee hard. hell, all i gotta do is look and i remember where my place. where i belong.
where i belong is not in mississippi or maryland. its hardly in atlanta. where i belong is exactly where i am: in this happy, little, money making world of mine.
i deactivated my facebook account. i think i said that previously. but yea, lent. not like it was getting much attention anyway. outside of the daily likes, comments and post left by Trudy.
i feel like i'm missing something vital. i probably am, oh well.
i miss a lot of people. some are gone for good, some choose to remain distant and others will be back soon enough. meanwhile: my army will expand.
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