Monday, April 1, 2013

Let it wither.

Everything happened so swiftly.
I could hardly keep up but, I didn't want to slow down.

Almost suddenly, one of the longest friendships I had ever known,
Became increasingly romantic.

So much so, that when I entered her, I felt so much more than the raw walls of her insides.
I felt her aura. It's yellow. I felt her spirit.
And I loved it.

If I had ever, ever loved anyone, it was her.
And I still do. Without shame.

And before I knew it, I had a girlfriend.
And I loved it.

The expression, "God had another plan" rings entirely too true here.
He told her that she wasn't for me. That my calling was greater than her. And that her calling was now Him.
Oh! The beautiful irony.

I didn't argue. I understood and left her be
I didn't cry, though my heart broke a little.
Finally, here, I thought I'd caught the heart of the last woman I'd desire.
Clearly, I was wrong.

This is not a pity party, simply an update. Granted, this was a few months back.
And, like the wise sage Gucci once said, "miss one bus..."

Our friendship, I still value.
My heart, she will always reside in.
But my love must wither into nothingness

Like the carcasses of dead men, left in the hands of fire

Or like the hope of a consistently rejected romantic

Or the heart of a man who understands that purity is illogical