Sunday, July 27, 2008

and i watch a chips ahoy in a cup of milk. what happens? it slowly but surely dissolves. breaking off into smaller and smaller pieces until it absorbs so much milk that each crumb sinks. hitting rock (or glass) bottom.
as of this exact life is that cookie and it has begun to sink.

crumb number one: not being enrolled in any college
crumb number two: not having a decent job
crumb number three: ...well, i wont continue to list the "crumbs". its too much work.

the point is, my life is falling apart.

a while ago my family decided to sign us up to see a shrink. with every fiber in my body i detested this idea. maybe its just me, but i dont find it important anymore as to why my family and i dont get along. i had planned on moving out soon and once i did, i would lose contact and possibly never hear from them again.

[2 hours later]...there are many many issues that i am dealing with. but i dont feel like sitting here typing about them . i wanna skate.
fuck this

1 comment:

Your Favorite Teacher said...

I think it is a good idea for you to see a counselor, if nothing else but to see why you are sitting down and watching crumbs settle at the bottom of a glass of milk.

Why are you not enrolled in school? What happened to GPC?