Tuesday, June 16, 2009


i'm still not sure how i should catergorize this phenonom.
i hate it
i need it.
i want it..

but it only comes in the areas where i dont need it to be.

this place.
it hasnt changed.
at all...except for the addition of an "ingles".
i heard stories of my old friends.
all either expecting, with child or married.
none of them left.

girls i used to date
are married.
girls that used to crush on me
are fat.

it was surreal.
i've been gone so long.
changed so much.
and this place hasn't been touched by time.

i laughed my shock
and disappointment off.
my heart sank.

something that change should have raped.
was left unmolested.

but something that was once considered "pure" and "everlasting"
has changed. drastically.
though it is said to still be the same.

this is called a lie.
a false reality.
a parallel world.

for change has defaced something that was beautiful.
tokyo. paris.
lights gone. tower destroyed.
change. change. change.
clearly has bad aim.
and a worse choice in judgment.

the change.
the one who once lived in this once beautiful land.
moved. found something new.

and what am i to do?
like Robert Nevelle in "I Am Legend"
i stay.
and endure.
and fight my demons.

actually. that previous statement is regression. return to something that i thought i had escaped.

fuckin thanks obama.

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