Sunday, June 28, 2009

ya kno.
sometimes i get brave.
i feel like i can take on the world.
i believe nothing can hurt me and that im at my best.

for a split second today
i had that feeling.
..a real split second.

but a few things changed that.
i wont say what
and we all know who.

i thought i was strong.
i thought i could handle this.
i thought being the good friend would be easy.

even though she still calls me "loml"...i feel like i've been replaced.
like i've lost the war.

the good news is
im used to it now. so it doesnt hurt as bad.
ultimately the happiness of others will always come before mine.
so i swallow my pain and handle it with a calm face.

its hard.
but i will forever stand tall.

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